食派士餐厅版自1999年创立以来,食派士先后与来自上海,北京和苏州的数以百计的餐厅达成合作,我们始终致力于将食客中意的餐厅美食直接递送到中外用户手中,现在你还可以通过食派士购买电影票和生鲜杂货。我们拥有专业的中英文双语电话客服团队,随时为您提供优质的订餐服务。凭借20年丰富的行业经验,食派士目前已成为一家在中国范围内极具友好度且相当值得信赖的送餐服务公司。Founded in 1999, Sherpa\\\'s delivers your favourite restaurants to you, and now you can order movie tickets and buy groceries too. We have an easy to use app and a bilingual call centre that are ready to help you if you need any assistance. We deliver from hundreds of restaurants across Shanghai, Suzhou, and Beijing, providing a friendly and reliable food delivery service with over 20 years\\\' experience!