广州市 · 贸易/进出口 · 成立12年 · 近3个月无招聘


Guangzhou Zhongtingyang Trading Co.,Ltd is a professional trade company specializing in branded jeans. Our business range mainly covers high quality jeans, jean shirt, jean jacket and jean skirt. We have our own brand Zhongtingyang. Jeans are our core products. We will develop other fields in the near future. Located in Xingtang, Guangzhou, China's largest jeans manufacturing hub, the predominant trade environment enables our company outshine among countless competitors. With over 13 years of jeans manufacturing and 10 years of jeans wholesale and retail experience, we provide our beloved customers high quality merchandise and service. After years of hard efforts, we have made rapid progress in the apparel industry. Our products has sold well in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and other regions. Now, the foreign sales department has officially founded. A greater challenge and opportunity is ahead of us. Meanwhile, Guangzhou Zhongtingyang Trading Co.,Ltd is also a big harmonious family. We have a group of youthful, passionate and excellent staffs. We graduated from different universities. The common destiny gathers us together. We are spending our youth and intelligence on building a branded jeans company; we are burning our life and energy to spread the cowboy culture - freedom, enthusiasm and personality. You can visit our company at any time.We will do our utmost to give you best service. 广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司位于世界牛仔之乡---增城新塘,交通便利,地处交通要塞。全世界80%的牛仔出自新塘,有成熟的配套产业--面料+辅料+车缝生产+洗水生产+包装生产。广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司位于新塘的中心位置--汇创国贸大厦;广州仲廷洋具备自主进出口经营权,拥有优秀的外贸团队www.topmenjean.cn 同时拥有优秀的天猫团队http://zhongtingyang.tmall.com 广州仲廷洋的经营理念是“开心工作、工作开心、健康工作、工作健康、合作共赢、共同成长”广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司的投资人具备13年牛仔行业生产经验,同时具备10年牛仔批发行业经验,仲廷洋是广州仲廷洋目前主推的一个高端牛仔品牌。 广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司推崇人性化管理,标准化管理,立志建立一个具备“家庭文化+学校文化+军队文化”优质企业。我们实行国家法定假日,双休,5天8小时工作制,公司对所有员工提供食宿,社保,培训,职位晋升,节假日礼品等福利。目的是要让员工在公司快速得到5张钞票---金钱+空间+成长+价值+人脉”。让您有种感觉--进到广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司就好像进入到国家公务员的行列,并且比公务员更轻松自由。 广州仲廷洋贸易有限公司热烈欢迎有识有志者加盟成为我们的战友,共同奔向美好的未来。广州仲廷洋因为有你而更加精彩!



