



岗位职责 Responsibilities 1)负责公司产品的软件开发 Responsible for software development of company products 2)负责嵌入式设备的软硬件调试 Responsible for hardware and software debugging of embedded devices 3)负责现有产品的软件功能升级和测试。 Responsible for software function upgrade and testing of existing products. 4)负责测试软件的开发 Responsible for the development of test software 5)澄清和维护系统/软件要求 Clarify and maintain system/software requirements 6) 开发和测试各种项目中的软件组件 Develop and test the software components in varieties of projects 7) 解决和跟踪bug,确保项目交付里程碑 Resolve and track bugs and ensure the project delivery milestone 8) 与全球团队(德国、美国、波兰)合作完成项目开发目标 Collaborate with global team (Germany, USA, Poland) to fulfill the project development goal 岗位要求 Qualifications 1) 计算机科学、电气工程、数学、物理或相关专业工科本科及以上学历 Engineering bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math, Physics or related majors 2) 5年以上嵌入式软件工程工作经验,2年以上Linux系统工作经验 More than 5 years working experience in embedded software engineering,More than 2 years working experience in Linux system 3) 有自动化、电子医疗或汽车行业工作经验者优先 Preferable working experience in automation, electro medical or automotive industry 4)熟悉ARM、MCU开发环境、Linux驱动开发知识 Familiar with ARM, MCU development environment, Linux driver development knowledge 5) 精通C/C++,有丰富的编程经验、数据结构、算法 Proficient in C/C++, rich programming experience, data structures, and algorithms
