
Business Analyst(Analysis) (MJ016163)



Key Roles and Responsibilities 1) Lead the development of intelligent customer service data visualization, identify business risk and provide business insights; 主导开发智能客服数据可视化,识别业务风险并提供业务洞察; 2) Work with stakeholders to understand their business needs and identify opportunities for analysis insight to inform their decision-making; 与利益相关者合作,了解他们的业务需求,并确定分析洞察的机会,为他们的决策提供信息; 3) Understand and report to your team and senior management on business performance; 了解并向您的团队和高级管理层报告业务绩效; 4) Ensure delivery of regular reports on time and without error; 确保定期报告按时、无差错提交; 5) Responsible for decision made based on model performance; 负责根据模型性能做出决策; 6) Self-manage delivery of analytical projects; 自我管理分析项目的交付,其中包括: -Defining the business problem; 定义业务问题; -Determining the analytical approach; 确定分析方法; -Efficiently extract relevant data; 高效提取相关数据; -Appropriately use statistical and data analysis techniques; 适当使用统计和数据分析技术; -Sharing your findings using impactful data visualizations and efficient communication; 使用有影响力的数据可视化和高效的沟通来分享您的发现; -Balance multiple priorities, updating stakeholders on progress and expected delivery; 平衡多个优先事项,向利益相关者通报进展和预期交付情况; 7) Encourage and train department members in best practice use of Trip.com data, analysis techniques and interpretation. 鼓励和培训部门成员以最佳实践使用 Trip.com 数据、分析技术和解释。 Qualifications Required 1) Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, data science or a related degree program with outstanding academic results with 5+ years working experience or equivalent MS with 3+ years working experience in analytics area; 计算机科学、工程、数学、统计学、数据科学或相关学位课程的学士学位,具有出色的学术成绩,具有 5 年以上的工作经验,或同等硕士学位,具有 3 年以上的分析领域工作经验; 2) SQL proficiency required: can extract data from large databases using SQL to develop data queries; SQL熟练程度要求:能够使用SQL从大型数据库中提取数据,开发数据查询 3) Excellent problem solving skills including the ability to analyze and resolve complex problems; 优秀的问题解决能力,包括分析和解决复杂问题的能力; 4) Excellent communication skill, fluent in English, both written and oral; 良好的沟通能力,包括书面和口语; 5)Can-do attitude and be willing to take challenges; 愿意接受挑战; 6)Show respect for differences in opinions and one-team spirit; 良好的团队合作精神; 7) Strong business sense and analytics ability; 较强的商业意识和分析能力; 8) Quick learning capability under rapid changing environment. 快速学习的能力; 9) Organized and structured: can manage multiple, competing priorities and deliver results under tight deadlines and pressure; 有组织和结构化:可以管理多个相互竞争的优先事项,并在紧迫的期限和压力下交付成果; 10) Fluent in English & Chinese(Mandarin) both spoken and written. Must be curious, proactive, practical and solution-oriented with “Get it done!” attitude; 英语和中文(普通话)口语和书写流利。必须具有好奇心、积极主动、务实、以解决方案为导向,并以“完成它!”为导向态度 11) Must be data savvy and love crunching numbers: love the idea of working in an international and multicultural company, analyzing billions of actions from millions of travelers choosing from thousands of hotels; 必须精通数据并喜欢处理数字:喜欢在国际和多元文化公司工作的想法,分析数百万旅客从数千家酒店中选择的数十亿行为; 12) Must want to tell an impactful story with analysis and smart data visualization, not just number crunch; 必须想通过分析和智能数据可视化来讲述一个有影响力的故事,而不仅仅是数字运算; 13) Able and willing to share your opinion and propose ideas to improve operations based on data and have an impact on the customer experience; 能够并且愿意分享您的意见并提出想法,以基于数据改进运营并对客户体验产生影响; 14)Attentive to detail and committed to data integrity; 注重细节并致力于数据完整性; 15)Experience in one data analysis package, such as R /Python on popular machine learning algorithms, such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree; 拥有一种数据分析软件包的经验,例如流行的机器学习算法(例如逻辑回归、决策树); 16)Experience with visualization software like Tableau; 有使用Tableau等可视化软件的经验; 17)Experience in data analysis methodology like hypothesis testing, A/B Test; 具有假设检验、A/B 检验等数据分析方法的经验; Preferable 1) Experience in CRM or OTA industry or call center is a plus; 有CRM或OTA行业或呼叫中心经验者优先 2) Experience in causal inference is a plus; 有因果推理经验者优先 3) Experience in time series forecast is a plus. 有时间序列预测经验者优先

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